"Gin and Dubonnet Cocktail | Crafted Pour"

"This is said to be Queen Elizabeth's favorite cocktail (one of four she has daily). It's served to her before lunch with "a lot of ice." She prefers it in a 2:1 ratio of Dubonnet to Gin. Although this cocktail can also be made with the ratio in reverse and served up (see second photo). But we're doing it Her Majesty's way today.", "undefined", "Gin and Dubonnet Cocktail",


Gin and Dubonnet Cocktail By , May 8, 2009 This is said to be Queen Elizabeth's favorite cocktail (one of four she has daily). It's served to her before lunch with This is said to be Queen Elizabeth's favorite cocktail (one of four she has daily). It's served to her before lunch with "a lot of ice." She prefers it in a 2:1 ratio of Dubonnet to Gin. Although this cocktail can also be made with the ratio in reverse and served up (see second photo). But we're doing it Her Majesty's way today. Ingredients: - London Dry Gin - Dubonnet Rouge Instructions: Add Gin and Dubonnet Rouge to an old fashioned glass with "a lot of ice." Garnish with lemon Spirit Forward,London Dry Gin,Dubonnet Rouge,All Recipes,Gin